FLOW: with Mariam Saparamadu
A little education goes a long way. Mariam Saparamadu is passionate about bridging the gap between cultural experiences inside and outside the home.
“If you are working with someone that continues to dismiss you and make you feel small, then they are not the provider for you… and you can find another provider.” - Mariam Saparamadu
First tampon use when learning to swim in your 30’s, cultural attitudes towards menstruation, and what happens when great therapist minds meet? Hear more on this month’s FLOW.
Program Notes:
Guest Links:
Psychology Today Profile, Mariam Saparamadu
How’s Your Flow?
We wanna know (Calendly link): https://calendly.com/flowtalk/flow-talk-period-pain-stories
HOST: Jessica Richmond
Website: jrich.online
Twitter @geniuspills
Tik Tok @jrichsocal
HOST: Sarah Watson
Website: sarahwatsonlpc.com
Podcast: Behind The Bedroom Door
Facebook: @sarahwatsonlpcsextherapy
IG @swsxtherapy
Twitter @swsextherapy
Presenting Sponsor: #Takeda, visit bleedingdisorders.com to learn more.