FLOW: with Animated Advocacy
Navigating a bleeding disorder diagnosis can be overwhelming - luckily, this season of Stop the Bleeding! offers entertaining education on the topic, in bite sized animated episodes!
Hosts Jessica and Sarah find a Flow with Hillary Hawkins ("RACHEL") and Queen Noveen (“RILEY”) to discuss menstruation, hormonal acne (aka “Herbert”), and their experiences learning about bleeding disorders. The conversation covers the normalization of period pain, the importance of diagnosis, and highlights some favorite parts of this season of STBhemo.com.
Program Notes:
Episode Links:
Queen Noveen
Hillary Hawkins
How’s Your Flow?
We wanna know (Calendly link): https://calendly.com/flowtalk/flow-talk-period-pain-stories
HOST: Jessica Richmond
Website: jrich.online
Twitter @geniuspills
Tik Tok @jrichsocal
HOST: Sarah Watson
Website: sarahwatsonlpc.com
Podcast: Behind The Bedroom Door
Facebook: @sarahwatsonlpcsextherapy
IG @swsxtherapy
Twitter @swsextherapy