FLOW: Extreme Relief
Flow with Lisa Williams, head of Hello Again! - a company working to make cannabis relief accessible for all menstruators. The company’s products - vaginal suppositories with cannabinoid elements - offer support for a variety of menstrual ailments. Lisa shares her intimate story of miscarriage and fibroid growth - explaining how she went from an avid fan to owner of the company!
How’s Your Flow?
We wanna know (Calendly link): https://calendly.com/flowtalk/flow-talk-period-pain-stories
HOST: Jessica Richmond
Website: jrich.online
Twitter @geniuspills
Tik Tok @jrichsocal
HOST: Sarah Watson
Website: sarahwatsonlpc.com
Podcast: Behind The Bedroom Door
Facebook: @sarahwatsonlpcsextherapy
IG @swsxtherapy
Twitter @swsextherapy
Presenting Sponsor: #Takeda, visit bleedingdisorders.com to learn more.